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Augusztusban például Lengyelország második legnagyobb városa, Krakkó érseke  szivárványszínű pestisnek  nevezte a melegközösségeket LGBT , néhány pap pedig azt is megmondja a gyülekezetének, hogy tagjai melyik pártra szavazzanak, ami annak fényében nem meglepő, hogy  a katolikus egyház kormánytól kapott támogatása az utóbbi években jelentősen emelkedett. Szét kell választani az egyházat és az államot úgy, ahogy azt máshol is teszik Európában, mert az egyház jelentős befolyása a lengyel politikára túl nagy és túl régóta tart — vélekedik a Baloldali Koalíció programvezetője, Dariusz Standerski.

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A közvélemény-kutatások szerint a melegközösségek megítélése Lengyelországban valamivel kevésbé elutasító, mint korábban volt. Az azonban nem valószínű, hogy a kormánypárt, amely minden bizonnyal hatalmon marad, egyhamar teljes egyenjogúságot biztosítana a melegeknek. Az új,  baloldali koalíció beszüntetné a támogatást. Stephen Kinget és Margaret Atwoodot is állásfoglalásra késztette J. Rowling transzneműekről szóló véleménye. Jennifer Lopez a transznemű unokaöccséről készített filmet "Draw with me" címmel.

Ahol még mindig csípi az emberek szemét egy ártalmatlan mesekönyv. The actress went on to write, "From the director, the press, the media, the cast, and the fans, I'm still told that it was the most realistic coming out scene they'd ever witnessed. And to steal from Alex's words, that's because there's some truth to what she said about me. After peacefully protesting in New Orleans , Smith took to Instagram to talk about the importance of fighting for black queer people, coming out in the process.

If your revolution does not include Black Queer voices, it is anti-Black. Accompanying the message, the "Pokémon Detective Pikachu" actor also included pictures of his boyfriend, fellow actor Nicholas Ashe. You straight? Following the video, a Twitter user asked, "Do you like girls," and the actress wrote, "If I may escort you to my TikTok," according to E! Most people remember Black from her viral music video "Friday" in , but now she is rebranding as a social media star with new music.

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She made headlines this year when she went on the "Dating Straight" podcast back in April and revealed that she identifies as queer. Some days I feel little more on the gay side than others. This year, she followed the announcement up with an interview with Gay Times where she explained the relief she felt after coming out. I didn't do that," she told Bustle. I mean, I guess I am now. Dawson did not explain how she identifies, but she is in a relationship with Senator Cory Booker.

Earlier this year, it was announced that Jamil would judge a voguing competition show. The announcement was met with outrage, with some people saying she had no ties to the dance or the community, so she shouldn't be allowed to judge. But I have privilege and power and a large following to bring to this show … sometimes it takes those with more power to help a show get off the ground so we can elevate marginalized stars that deserve the limelight and give them a chance.

Known for his roles in "The Flash," "The Vampire Diaries," and "Quantico," Cosnett uploaded a short and sweet video to Instagram, making his big announcement.

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Um, I'm gay and I just wanted everyone to know because I've made a promise to myself to live my truth every day and sometimes that is a really hard thing to do when you have all these subconscious things that you don't even know about from childhood and society and from just life. There you go.

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I'm sure most of you probably knew anyway. And … um yeah. That's actually all I wanted to say. After 11 years on YouTube, de Jager built a large following and collaborated with a number of big-name celebrities. But earlier this year, the beauty blogger uploaded a video titled "I'm Coming Out. It is time to let go and be truly free," she says in the video. Later in the video, she says that people were trying to blackmail her and planned to reveal the news to the media.

Best known for his comedic roles in 's "Road Trip" and 's "The New Guy," Qualls made headlines again in when he announced he is gay. Yep, I'm gay. Been gay this whole time.

Tired of worrying about what people would think of me. Tired of worrying about what it would do to my career. Thousands of cars form lines to collect food in Covid-hit Texas. Trump, trying to cling to power, fans unrest and conspiracies. Ad Microsoft.

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The 23 Hottest Gifts of Full screen. YouTube stars like Tana Mongeau and Nikkie de Jager have also made their big announcements this year.