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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Zinovyev October 29, — May 10, was a Russian logician and writer of social critique. Alexandru Averescu 3 April — 2 October was a Romanian marshal and populist politician. Alexandru G. Golescu · See more ». Alexandru Macedonski also rendered as Al. Macedonski, Macedonschi or Macedonsky; March 14, — November 24, was a Romanian poet, novelist, dramatist and literary critic, known especially for having promoted French Symbolism in his native country, and for leading the Romanian Symbolist movement during its early decades.

Alexandru Zub born October 12, is a Romanian historian, biographer, essayist, political activist and academic. The Alexians, Alexian Brothers or Cellites are a Catholic religious institute or congregation specifically devoted to caring for the sick which has its origin in Europe at the time of the Black Death.

The municipality Alfdorf came into being in from the union of the earlier municipalities of Alfdorf, Pfahlbronn and Vordersteinenberg to the new municipality called Alfdorf. Alfonsine Agl'infulsẽ or Agl'infulsèn is a comune municipality in the province of Ravenna in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna. Alfréd Hajós 1 February — 12 November was a Hungarian swimmer and architect. Alfréd Rényi 20 March — 1 February was a Hungarian mathematician who made contributions in combinatorics, graph theory, number theory but mostly in probability theory.

Alfred W. Adler 7 February — 28 May was an Austrian medical doctor, psychotherapist, and founder of the school of individual psychology. Alfred Sandor November 5, — September 22, , born Alfred Sandwina, and billed early in his career as Al Sandwina, was a Hungarian-born American and Australian character actor and singer. Alfred Tibor February 10, — March 18, was a Holocaust survivor and sculptor.

Alger Hiss November 11, — November 15, was an American government official who was accused of being a Soviet spy in and convicted of perjury in connection with this charge in The Algeria national football team represents Algeria in association football and is controlled by the Algerian Football Federation. The Algerian Ligue Professionnelle 1 الرابطة الجزائرية المحترفة الأولى لكرة القدم ; known as Championnat National de Première Division or Ligue 1 for short, and formerly known as the Championnat National 1, is the Algerian professional league for association football clubs.

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